PISTOL RANGE (22 Lanes; First Come First Served)
- Our maximum distance for the pistol range is 25 yds. Please bring a staple gun or tape to attach your targets to the backers. We do sell staple guns and tape if needed
- However, our hand retrieval system allows you to set your own distance (5yd, 8yd, 15 yd).
- We are set up for standing only. (Certain accommodations can be provided for those who need it.)
- We do have one handicap stall available which features a larger and lower bench (under repairs)
- Most pistol calibers under 2000 fps are allowed.
- Limited 22 ammo available for purchase (Prices/Brands/Availability all subject to change)
RIFLE RANGE Space is limited (6 at 50yds/2 at 100yds); First come First Served
- 22 and 9mm rifles may be shot at the pistol range or rifle range
- Some days will be closed for construction.
- 50yd benched aimed fire; NO RAPID FIRE - Two 100yd lanes are now open (must sight in at 50yd first)
- No armor piercing ammo is allowed
- Hot & Cold Line will be monitored/called for safety changing targets.
- Please bring your own rifle rest, spotting scope, towels.
- We have limited equipment for rent (Free for Yearly's)